KTD-400 Controller KeypadUser Manual10System component configurationAfter you have completed the KTD-400 keypad configuration, you can used the keypad to configure otherDigiplex system components. To configure these system components, begin at the normal operating displayand do the following:To configure video switchers, alarm interfaces, and CyberDomes, press the appropriate number at thecomponent configuration selection menu (Figure 21) and refer to the programming instructions provided withthose products.To configure PTZ receivers, press 2 at the component configuration selection display (Figure 21) and followthe instructions in PTZ receiver configuration on page 11.1. In the normal operating display shown inFigure 19, press and hold the Set key untilthe display in Figure 20 appears.Figure 19. Normal operating display2. In the menu in Figure 20, enter the accesscode 9, 5, 1, Seq. The next display willappear.Figure 20. Code entry display3. The component programming selectionmenu (Figure 21) lets you select whichcomponent (video switchers, PTZ receivers,alarm interfaces, and CyberDomes) toprogram.Figure 21. Component configuration selection displayCAMERA 000MONITOR 01CAMERA 000 (CODE)MONITOR 01 (----)1=SWTCH 2=PTZ 3=ALRM4=CYBER SEQ=EXIT