2 COMMUNICATION INTERFACESThe products have a number of standard and optional communication interfaces. The standard and optionalhardware and protocols are summarised below:Port Availability Physical layer Use Data ProtocolsFront Standard RS232 Local settings CourierRear Port 1(RP1 copper) Standard RS232 / RS485 / K-BusSCADARemote settingsCourier, MODBUS, IEC60870-5-103, DNP3.0(order option)Rear Port 1(RP1 fibre) Optional Fibre SCADARemote settingsCourier, MODBUS, IEC60870-5-103, DNP3.0(order option)Rear Port 2(RP2) Optional RS232 / RS485 / K-BusSCADARemote settingsSK4: Courier onlySK5: InterMicom onlyEthernet Optional Ethernet IEC 61850 or DNP3Remote settingsIEC 61850, Courier (tunnelled) or DNP3.0(order option)Note:Optional communications boards are always fitted into slot A.Note:It is only possible to fit one optional communications board, therefore RP2 and Ethernet communications are mutuallyexclusive.Chapter 22 - Communications P543i/P545i532 P54x1i-TM-EN-1