ge.comNOTE."Do not use this feature twicef17succession on the same foodportion--it may result in severelyovercooked or burnt food.ReheatThe Reheat teatm'e reheats 4-36 ouncesof previousl) cooked toods or a plate ofB Place coxered fi)od in the oxen. PressREHEAT. The o_en starts immediately._'_ The o_en signals when steam is sensedand tile time remaining beginsco/inting down.Do not open tile oven door until dine iscounting down. If tile door is opened,close it and press STARTimmediately.After removing food from the oven, stir,if possible, to even out the temperature.Reheated foods may have wide variationsin temperature. Some areas may beextremely hot.If fi_od is not hot enough after tilecountdown, use TIME COOKtor additionalreheating time.Some Foods Not Recommended forUse With ReheatIt is best to use time Cook tot these foods:• Bread products.• Foods that must be reheated uncovered.• Foods that need to be stirred or rotamd.• Foods calling for a dry look or ciispsurti_ce after reheating.vvqElNOTE."Do not use this feature twiceh7succession on the same foodportion--it may result in severelyovercooked or burnt food.Sensor CookingVegetables, Potatoes, Fish, Chicken PiecesSensor cooking gives you easy, automaticresults with a w_rietv ot toods (see theCooking Guide below).B Place coxered food in the oxen.Press tile toed pad. For _egetables,press the VEGETABLEpad once forfresh vegetables, twice for frozenvegetables or three times tot cannedvegetables. For chicken or fish, pressthe CHICKEN/FISHpad once tot chickenpieces or twice tot fish. The oven startsimmediatelv._'_ The o_en signals when steam issensed and the time remaining beginscounting down. Turn or stir tile toedif necessma'.Do not open tile oven door until dine iscounting down. If tile door is opened,close it and press STARTimmediatelv.If toed is undercooked after tile countdownrise TIMECOOKIoradditional cooking time.How to Change the Automatic Settings(automatic settings for canned vegetablescannot be adjusted)You can ad iust tile cookin,* time fi)r somefoods to suit )our personal taste.Toreduce time by 10%:_dter pressing tile teatm'e pad, press limmediatelx after tile oxen starts.Toadd 10% to cooking time:_Mter pressing tile teatm'e pad, press 9immediately after tile oxen starts.Cooking GuideFoodCannedVegetablesFrozenVegetablesAmount4-16 oz.4-16 oz.Fresh Vegetables 4-16 oz.Potatoes 8-32 oz.Fish 4-16 oz.ChickenPieces 2-8 piecesCommentsCo_er with lid or vented plastic _Tap.Follow package instructions Ii)r adding ware1:Cover with lid or _ented plastic _Tap.Add 1/4 cup water per set\inv. Co_er with lid orvented plastic _vTap.Pierce skin with lork. Place potatoes on tile turntable.Cover with vented plastic _Tap.Co\er with vented plastic _lp.15