About changing the power level ge.omFqFq[]E]EB[]DD[][]DTile power le'_el ina) be entered orchanged iininediatel,_ after entei_ing tiletime for Time Cook (ir Express Cook,F_ Press TIME COOK_'_ Enter cooking finIe._¢J Pi'ess POWERLEVELD Select desired power level 1-10._"_ Pi'ess STARTVariable power levels add fle_biliD' toillici'o_;ive cooking, Tile power levels onthe IIliCI'OW;IVe ()veil can be COlIlp[lI'ed tothe suI'filce units on a iange. Each powerlevel gives p)u inici'o_m'e energy a certainpercent of tile tiIne. Power level 7 isnficI'o_l\'e eneigy 70% ot tile tiine. Powerlevel 3 is energy 30% (ff tile tiine. Mostcooking will be done on High (power level10) which gives you 100% powei: A highsetting (10) will cook tilstei" but filed inavneed inore fi'equent stiriing, rotating orturning ovei: A h)wer setting will cook inoreevenly and need less stirring or rotating otthe filed. Sonie fl)ods nIay have better flavoi;texture or appeaiance if one (ff tile lowersettings is used. Use a h)wer power levelwhen cooking fi)ods that have a tendencyto boil ovei; such as scalloped potatoes.Rest periods (when tile nficrowave energy'cycles off) give tiine fi)r the flied to"equalize" or tI'anster heat to the insideof tile food. An exainple of this is shownwith power level 3--the deti'ost cycle. Ifinicrowave energy' did not cycle off; tileoutside of tile filed would cook befi)retile inside was deti'osted.Hero are some examples of uses for variouspower levels:High 10: Fish, bacon, vegetables, boilingliquids.Med-High 7". Gentle cooking of ineat andpoultry; baking casseroles and reheating.Medium& Sh)w cooking and tendeiizingfl)r stews and less tender cuts of nieat.Low2or3: Defl'osting; siniinei_ing; delicateSauces.Warm I: KeeI)ing, fi)od wamI; softeningbuttei:About the time features.FqDDDDDDDDmDTime Cook_Mlows you to nficrowave fi)r any tiIne upto 99 nfinutes and 99 seconds.Power level 10(High)is a tm)inaticall) set,but you may change it fi)r niore flexibility.Time CookID'_ Press TIME COOKN Enter cooking finie._€_ (_hailge tile power lexel if you don'twant flIll powei: (Press POWER LEVEL.Select a desired power level 1-10.)D Press STARTYou nIay open tile door during Time Cookto check tile food. Close tile door and pressSTART to resuni e c()()kingTime Cook#I,ets you change power levels autoinaficallvduring cooking. Here's how to do it:_ PI'ess TIME COOKN Enter tile fii_t cook tiine.(_hange tile power le',el if'_ou d(In'twant i{ill powei: (Press POWERLEVELSelect a desired p(>wer level 1-10.)D PI'essTIMfCOOKagain.D Enter tile second cook tinie.Change tile power lexel if you don'tr_ want i{ill powei: (Press POWERLEVELSelect a desired power level 1-10.)_'_ PI'ess STARTAt tile end of Time Cook l, Time Cook gco/ints down.