Installation Instructions[] REMOVE THE FRESH FOODDOOR HANDLE(For placement in the installation locationor reversal of the handles = on somemodels}Stainless steel (onsome models):O REMOVINGTHE DOORHANDLE: Loosenthe set screws Badgewith the 3/32"Allen wrenchand removethe handle. NOTE:For Double Doormodels follow the Mountingsame procedure Fastenerson the oppositedoor. (appearance may vary)Plastic handle(on some models):O REMOVING THE DOOR HANDLE: Depress thetab on the underside of the handle and slidethe handle up and off of the mountingfasteners.@ REVERSING THE DOOR HANDLE (on somemodels):• Removethe handlemountingfasteners with Badgea 3/16" Allenwrench andtransferthe handlemounting Mountingfasteners to Fastenersthe right side.• Remove the (appearance may vary)logo badge.• Remove and transfer the plug button tothe left side of the fresh food door. NOTE:Use a flat plastic edge to prevent damagingthe door. Remove any adhesive on the doorwith a mild detergent. Remove the papercovering on the adhesive backing onthe logo badge prior to carefully attachingthe badge to the door.D3 REMOVE THE FREEZER DOOR HANDLEStainless steel and plastic handles:O Loosen the set screws located on theunderside of the handle with the 1/8" Allenwrench and remove the handle.NOTE: If the handle mounting fasteners needto be tightened or removed, use a 3/16" Allenwrench.(appearancemay vary)Plastic handle(on some models):O REMOVING THE DOOR HANDLE: Depress the tabon the underside left of the handle and slide thehandle left and off of the mounting fasteners.Note: if the handle mounting fasteners need to betightened or removed use a 3/16" Allen wrench.@.0 lluJJ(appearance may vary)19