About TurboCooI.T (onsomemoddW GEAppliances.comTurbo Cool(on some models)TURBOCOOL(on some models)How it WorksTurboCoolrapidly cools the refrigeratorcompartment in order to more quicklycool foods, Use TurboCoolwhen addinga large amount of food to the refrigeratorcompartment, putting away foods after theyhave been sitting out at room temperature orwhen putting away warm leftovers, It can alsobe used if the refrigerator has been withoutpower for an extended period,Once activated, the compressor will turnon immediately and the fans will cycle onand off at high speed as needed for eighthours, The compressor will continue to rununtil the refrigerator compartment cools toapproximately 34°F (1°C),then it will cycle onand off to maintain this setting, After 8 hours, orif TurboCoolis pressed again, the refrigeratorcompartment will return to the original setting,How to UsePress TurboCool The refrigerator temperaturedisplay will show be,After TurboCoolis complete, the refrigeratorcompartment will return to the original setting,NOTES; The refrigerator temperature cannotbe changed during TurboCoolThe freezer temperature is notaffected during TurboCoolWhen opening the refrigerator doorduring TurboCoo/, the fans willcontinue to run if they have cycled on,DoorAIGrm(on some models)[ ALARMDOOR(on some models)About Door Alarm (on somemode/s)The door alarm will sound if any door is openfor more than 2 minutes, The beeping stopswhen you close the door,(on some models)[ ENERGYI SAVER(on some models)About Energy Saver (on.som_modd.s)This product is equipped with an Energy Saverfeature, The refrigerator is shipped with theEnergy Saver feature enabled,Over time, moisture can form on the frontsurface of the refrigerator cabinet and causerust, If moisture does appear on the frontsurface of the refrigerator cabinet, turn off theEnergy Saver feature by pressing and releasingthe ENERGYSA VERpad on the control panel,