SpeedcookingAdvantium OvenFavoriteUHFLSH³to adjustor changeTo adjust or change stored customspeedcook recipes: 3UHVVWKH)$925,7(5(&,3(or the SPEEDCOOK pad. 7XUQWKHGLDOXQWLO)$925,7(RECIPE appears. Press the dialto enter.3. Turn the dial until EDIT RECIPEappears. Press the dial to enter.4. Turn the dial to the recipe youwant to change. Press the dialto enter. Current settings appear.5. Press the dial to edit.6. The display will prompt you toselect the power level(s) and editthe name. Turn the dial and pressto enter the appropriate settings.For power level and cooking timesuggestions, use your cooking guideor cook book.To delete stored custom speedcookrecipes: 3UHVVWKH)$925,7(5(&,3(or the SPEEDCOOK pad. 7XUQWKHGLDOXQWLO)$925,7(RECIPE appears. Press the dialto enter.3. Turn the dial until DELETE RECIPEappears and press the dial toenter.4. Turn dial to the recipe you want todelete and press the dial to enter.FavoriteUHFLSH³to delete22