The sensor feature detects theincreasing humidity released duringcooking. The oven automatically adjuststhe cooking time to various types andamounts of food.Do not use the Sensor Features twice inVXFFHVVLRQRQWKHVDPHIRRGSRUWLRQ³it may result in severely overcooked orburnt food. If food is undercooked afterthe first countdown, use COOK BY TIMEfor additional cooking time.The proper containers and covers areessential for best sensor cooking.■$OZD\VXVHPLFURZDYHVDIHcontainers and cover themwith lids or vented plastic wrap.Never use tight sealing plasticFRQWDLQHUV³WKH\FDQSUHYHQWVWHDPfrom escaping and cause food toovercook.■ Be sure the outside of the cookingcontainers and the inside of theoven are dry before placing food inthe oven. Beads of moisture turninginto steam can mislead the sensor.■ Beverages are best heateduncovered.MicrowavingAdvantium OvenMicrowavesensorcooking30Covered9HQWHGDry off dishes so they don’tmislead the sensor.MICROWAVE SENSOR PROGRAMS:■ Ground Meat■ Popcorn – Prepackaged microwave popcorn, 3.0 oz. to 3.5 oz.■ Soup■ Rice■ Vegetables (Canned, Fresh, Frozen)■ Chicken Reheat■ Pasta Reheat■ Plate of Food Reheat■ Soup Reheat■ Vegetable Reheat