26Installation InstructionsLOADING THE REFRIGERATORONTO A HAND TRUCKLeave all tape and door pads on doors untilthe refrigerator is in its final location.To move the refrigerator, use a padded handtruck. Center the refrigerator on the hand truckand secure the strap around the refrigerator.DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE STRAP.1REMOVE THE BASE GRILLERemove the grille by removing the two Phillipshead screws.2If the refrigerator must go throughDQ\HQWUDQFHWKDWLVOHVVWKDQZLGHthe doors must be removed. Proceedto Step 3.DO NOT remove the handles.,IDOOHQWUDQFHVDUHPRUHWKDQZLGHskip to Installing the Refrigerator.DISCONNECT THE WATER COUPLING(on some models)If the refrigerator has a water dispenser,there is a water line from the cabinet intothe bottom hinge on the freezer door thatmust be disconnected.To disconnect, push in on the white collarof the coupling and pull out the tubing.3White collarBottomfreezerhingeMOVING THE REFRIGERATOR