Safety InstructionsOperating InstructionsCare and CleaningTroubleshooting TipsConsumer SupportTimed baking and roasting.On double oven models, you can use timed baking in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also usetimed baking in both ovens at the same time.NOTE: Foods that spoil easily—such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork—should not be allowed to sit formore than 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic StopThe oven will turn on immediately and cook for aselected length of time. At the end of the cookingtime, the oven will turn off automatically.Make sure the clock shows the correcttime of day.Touch BAKE.For double oven models only, touchUPPER OVEN or LOWER OVEN toselect the desired oven.Touch the numbers to set thedesired temperature.Touch ENTER.Touch the numbers to set thedesired length of cooking time.Touch ENTER.Two immediate start and automaticstop cooking options are available: PRE-HEATED START – Touch topreheat the oven.The convection fan will turn onduring preheating. The controlwill signal when the oven ispreheated—this will takeapproximately 10 minutes.The screen will show the settemperature.When the control signals, placefood in the oven.The timed cook will not start untilthe oven is preheated and STARTis touched. COLD START – Touch to startthe oven immediately and cookfood without preheating. Theconvection fan will turn on. Thecook time will start immediately.The oven will start and continue to cookfor the programmed amount of time,then shut off automatically, unless theCook and Hold feature was set. See theCook and Hold Option section.For double oven models only, to setthe second oven select PRESS TO MAKELOWER OVEN SELECTIONS or PRESS TOMAKE UPPER OVEN SELECTIONS asneeded and follow the above steps.The set temperature may be changedby touching CHANGE TIME-TEMP for theappropriate oven.The settings may be cancelled bytouching CANCEL for the appropriateoven.The timer can be set by touching SETKITCHEN TIMER. See the Kitchen Timersection.After cooking is complete the oven willsignal and “MORE TIME” will display forfive minutes. Check food for doneness.If more cooking time is needed, touchMORE TIME and enter additional cookingtime. If not selected, the screen willautomatically clear in five minutes.ORBAKEUPPEROVEN LOWEROVENOn double oven models only.8ENTER0987654321ENTER0987654321PRE-HEATEDSTART COLDSTARTOR