49-2000916 Rev. 0 15Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION - VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE (Cont.)STEP 2: INSTALL HOOD MOUNTINGSCREWSThe two upper mounting screws must enter thehorizontal support or wall studs.Ŷ:LWKWKHWHPSODWHWDSHGLQSODFHXVHDSXQFKWRmark mounting bracket screw locations.Ŷ'ULOO´SLORWKROHVLQRIWKHSXQFKHGORFDWLRQVin the lower bracket. If the bottom 2 pilot holesGRQRWHQWHUZRRGHQODUJHWKHKROHVWR´DQGinstall metal wall fastener anchors (provided).Ŷ5HPRYHWKHWHPSODWHŶ,QVWDOOWKHWRSPRXQWLQJVFUHZVOHDYH´gap between the screw head and the wall. Thiswill allow the keyhole slot on the hood frame toengage the screw head.IMPORTANT: Use the mounting screws provided.DO NOT USE DRYWALL SCREWS.Ŷ&KHFNWREHVXUHWKHPRXQWLQJVFUHZVDUHhorizontally level.STEP 3: INSTALL DUCT BRACKETThe duct bracket should be installed against theEDFNZDOODQGIOXVKZLWKWKHFHLOLQJWKHSRLQWZKHUHthe ceiling meets the wall should be level for thebracket and duct cover to fit flush. This bracket willhold the duct cover in place at the top.Secure the bracket to the wall:Ŷ$OLJQWKHGLDPRQGFHQWHUOLQHFXWRXWRQWKHbracket with the penciled centerline on the wall.Ŷ0DUNVFUHZKROHORFDWLRQVLQWKHZDOOŶ'ULOO´SLORWKROHVLQWKHPDUNHGORFDWLRQVŶ,ISLORWKROHVGRQRWHQWHUZRRGVWXGVHQODUJHWKHKROHVWR´DQGLQVWDOOPHWDOZDOOIDVWHQHUanchors (provided).Ŷ,IPRXQWLQJGLUHFWO\WRDPDVRQU\ZDOOREWDLQappropriate #10 masonry screw anchors. Drill andinstall per the fastener supplier’s instructions.Ŷ'ULYHVFUHZVE\KDQGLQWRWKHIDVWHQHUVWRDOORZanchors to expand. Remove the screws.Ŷ6HFXUHWKHEUDFNHWWRWKHZDOOZLWKZRRGVFUHZVDQGRUIDVWHQHUVSTEP 4: MOUNT THE HOODWARNING 2 people are required to lift andposition the hood onto the mounting screws.Ŷ/LIWWKHKRRGRQWRWKHPRXQWLQJVFUHZVŶ,IXVLQJDZDOOIDVWHQHUPDNHVXUHWKHZDVKHULVin front of the flange and not behind it. Check witha level before tightening the screws.Ŷ,QVWDOOORZHUVFUHZVWRSXOOWKHKRRGWLJKWDJDLQVWthe wall.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSREAR WALLMOUNTING TEMPLATEVertical CenterlineALIGN BOTTOM EDGEWITH PENCIL LINEINDICATING BOTTOMOF THE HOOD11-7/16"Installation HeightHorizontal LineCLDRILL 2 (TWO) 3/16" PILOT HOLES THROUGH STUDS OR REAR WALL SUPPORT10-1/8"12-08 JR2"DRILL 2 (TWO) 3/16" PILOT HOLES THROUGH STUDS OR REAR WALL SUPPORT12-1/2"WALL VENT IS 27-3/4" MIN.ABOVE THE INSTALLATIONHEIGHT31-14772 Printed in MexicoCenterline cutoutTighten screwsInstallscrewsBottomscrewlocation