49-2000916 Rev. 0 9INSTALLATION CLEARANCESThese vent hoods are designed to be installed ontoa wall. They may be installed beneath a soffit orcabinet.Ŷ,QVWDOOWKHVHKRRGVEHWZHHQWKHUHTXLUHG´minimum and 36” recommended maximum abovethe cooking surface.The vent hood must be installed between therequired 24” minimum and 36” recommendedmaximum above the cooking surface. The hoodinstallation height above the cooking surfacedepends upon ceiling height and duct coverlimitations. The telescopic duct cover conceals theductwork running from the top of the hood to theceiling. For supplied duct cover ceiling heights, seetable on page 13.Recirculation Kit:Kit includes 1 air deflector and 1 charcoal filter andis included with the hood.NOTE: Installation height should be measured fromthe cooking surface to the lowest part of the hood.This hood must be installed onto a wall. It can bevented to the outdoors, or it can be installed forrecirculating operation. For recirculation operation, aRecirculating Kit (included) is required.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSInstallation PreparationPREPARE TO INSTALL THE HOODADVANCE PLANNINGDuct Install PlanningŶ This hood is designed to be vented verticallythrough the ceiling. A duct transition piece issupplied for vertical exhaust. Use locally suppliedelbows to vent horizontally through the rear wall.Ŷ Use metal ductwork only.Ŷ Determine the exact location of the vent hood.Ŷ Plan the route for venting exhaust to theoutdoors. To maximize the ventilationperformance of the vent system:1. Minimize the duct run length and number oftransitions and elbows.2. Maintain a constant duct size.3. Seal all joints with duct tape to prevent anyleaks.4. Do not use any type of flexible ducting.Ŷ Use the shortest and straightest duct routepossible.Ŷ Install a wall cap or roof cap with damper at theexterior opening. Order the wall or roof cap andany transitions and length of duct needed inadvance.Ŷ When applicable, install any makeup(replacement) air system in accordance with localbuilding code requirements. VisitGEAppliances.com for available makeup airsolutions.Wall Framing for Adequate SupportŶ This vent hood is heavy. Adequate structuralsupport must be provided. The hood must besecured to vertical studs in the wall. See page14.Ŷ We strongly recommend that the vent hood withduct cover be on site before final framing andwall finishing. This will also help to accuratelylocate the ductwork and electrical service.24” Required Min.36” Recommended Max.