How to Use QUICK SET ControlThe QUICK SET control providesa shortcut code method for enteringtime and the power level on yourmicrowave oven. QUICK SETcodes are only used for recipeswhich need little or no attention,and which require no change ofpower level during cooking.Recipes which require additionalingredients, attention or change ofpower level during microwavingshould be cooked in the usualmanner. Also, recipes with cookingtime of less than one minute ormore than 99 minutes cannot usecodes.To understand the QUICK SETcontrol codes, it is important toknow what the numbers mean andwhat the sequence is. The first andsecond numbers, if setting a 3 digitcode, indicate the amount of timeyou desire; the last control entrynumber is always the power level.For example, 125 means 12 minutesat power level 5. N~E: Youroven can only be programmed to 99minutes when using the QUICKSET control and the highest powerlevel is 10 which is represented by“0?’ When setting a 2 digit QUICKSET control entry, the first is time,the second is power level. Forexample, 50 means 5 minutes atpower level 10.On the following page is shownmany frequently prepared foodsand their codes. It’s easy, though,to make codes for many otherrecipes. Just select one or twodigits representing the length ofcooking time desired, and a finaldigit for the power level required.The codes given on the chart arefor the minimum time needed, toavoid overcooking which can dryout food and make it tasteless andtough. If you feel that morecooking is needed, add additionaltime by changing the first digit ofthe code. You cannot add secondsto the cycle time—codes are forFor Example:QUICK SET2-DigitH50Time in Power LevelMinutes High (10)QUICK SET3 Digitw125Time in Power” LevelMinutes Med (5)whole minutes only. If your recipecalls for power level changes ordifferent amounts of time neededbetween addition of ingredients,you may set one code for the firstpart of the recipe, then aftercompletion, set another code forthat period of time and power level.Remember that QUICK SETcodes are for microwaving by timeonly. If you are microwaving bytemperature, you must use theTemp Cook or Auto Roastfunction.When the oven completes QUICKSET program, it automaticallyshuts off. It will then display“End” and beep once a minuteuntil you either open the door ortouch the CLEAR/OFF pad.How to SetQUICK SET ControlProgramming your oven forQUICK SET control operation iseasy. Follow these simple steps.Step 2: Enter the proper code. Forexample, a recipe calling for 12minutes cooking time at powerlevel 10 would be 120. “120”appears on the display panel.Step 1: Touch QUICK SET.“ENTER CODE” flashes.10