26Installation InstructionsThe rollers have 3 purposes:n Rollers adjust so the door closes easily when openedabout halfway. [Raise the front about 5/8″ (16 mm)from the floor.]n Rollers adjust so the refrigerator is firmly positionedon the floor and does not wobble.n Rollers allow you to move the refrigerator away fromthe wall for cleaning.Final leveling adjustments should be made afterthe refrigerator has been installed.To adjust the rollers on 24’ and 25’ models:Remove the base grille by opening the doors, removingthe screws at each end, and pulling it straight out.Turn the front rolleradjusting screwsclockwise to raisethe refrigerator,counterclockwise tolower it. Use a 3/8″hex socket or wrench,or an adjustablewrench.These models also have rear adjustable rollers so youcan align the refrigerator with your kitchen cabinets.Use a 3/8″ socket wrench to turn the screws for the rearrollers–clockwise to raise the refrigerator,counterclockwise to lower it.Replace the base grille.ROLLERSRoller adjusting screwsAfter leveling, make sure that the refrigerator door is 1/16″higher than the freezer door.To align the doors, adjust the refrigerator door.Using a 7/16″ socket wrench, turn the door adjustingscrew to the right to raise the door, to the left to lowerit. (A nylon plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin,prevents the pin from turning unless a wrench is used.)After one or two turns of the wrench, open and closethe refrigerator door and check the alignment atthe top of the doors.To remove the base grille,open the doors, removethe screw at each end ofthe base grille and thenpull the grille straight out.7/16″ Socket WrenchRaiseDOOR ALIGNMENTRefrigerator doorneeds to be raised.