GE Power Management SPM Synchronous Motor Protection & Control9-39 MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS 9.2 MEMORY MAPPING9POWERFACTOR022A Instantaneous Power Factor Pwrfactor N/A022B Filtered Power Factor Pwrfactor N/A022C Instantaneous Phase Angle U16 N/A022D Filtered Phase Angle U16 N/A022E Reserved↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓0231 ReservedEXCITERCURRENT0232 Instantaneous Exciter Current U16 N/A0233 Filtered Exciter Current U16 N/A0234 Reserved0235 Reserved0236 ReservedEXCITERVOLTAGE0237 Instantaneous Exciter Voltage U16 N/A0238 Filtered Exciter Voltage U16 N/A0239 Reserved023A Reserved023B ReservedFIELDOHMS023C Instantaneous Field Ohms U16 N/A023D Filtered Field Ohms U16 N/A023E Reserved023F Reserved0240 ReservedINDUCEDFIELD0241 Field Voltage Frequency 0.00 to 99.99 2decU16 N/A0242 Percentage Slip 0.0 to 100.0 1decU16 N/A0243 Reserved0244 Reserved0245 ReservedOUTPUTRELAYS0246 TRIP Relay Status Relaystate N/A0247 FAR Relay Status Relaystate N/A0248 FCX Relay Status Relaystate N/A0249 Reserved024A Reserved024B ReservedTable 9–2: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 2 of 5)GROUP ADDR(hex)DESCRIPTION RANGE STEPVALUEUNITS FORMATCODEFACTORYDEFAULT* Range for collector-ring motors.** Range for brushless motors.1. The access password must be written correctly before any setpoints can be written via Modbus. The password is initially the same as the default password,but the two passwords are stored separately, so the keyboard can not be used to change the communications password and vice-versa.2. The allowable range of FLA is as follows: the minimum full load amps value is 2/5 times the CT ratio; the maximum is equal to the CT ratio.3. The locked rotor current is range dependent on the FLA setpoint: the minimum is twice the full load amps and the maximum value is 12 times the FLA.4. REGULATOR OUTPUT must be greater than or equal to FLOOR VOLTS, likewise FLOOR VOLTS must be less than or equal to REGULATOR OUTPUT.