Helpful InformationCare and CleaningCaseClean the outside of themicrowave with a sudsycloth. Rinse and then dry.Wipe the window cleanwith a damp cloth.Control PanelWipe with a damp cloth.Dry thoroughly. Do notuse cleaning sprays, largeamounts of soap andwater, abrasives or sharpobjects on the panel—theycan damage it. Some papertowels can also scratchthe control panel.Door PanelBefore cleaning the frontdoor panel, make sure youknow what type of panelyou have. Refer to theeighth digit of the modelnumber. “S” is stainlesssteel, "G" is Graphite, “L”is CleanSteel and “B”, “W”or “C” are plastic colors.Stainless SteelThe stainless steel panelcan be cleaned withStainless Steel Magic ora similar product usinga clean, soft cloth. Applystainless cleaner carefullyto avoid the surroundingplastic parts. Do not useappliance wax, polish,bleach or productscontaining chlorine onStainless Steel finishes.CleanSteel or GraphiteUse a clean, soft, light andlightly dampened cloth,then dry thoroughly. Donot use appliance wax,polish, bleach or productscontaining any chemicalagent on the CleanSteelor Graphite surfaces.Plastic Color PanelsUse a clean, soft, lightlydampened cloth, then drythoroughly.Door SealIt’s important to keep thearea clean where the doorseals against the microwave.Use only mild, non-abrasivedetergents applied with aclean sponge or soft cloth.Rinse well.BottomClean off the grease anddust on the bottom often.Use a solution of warmwater and detergent.We recommend againstusing cleaners withammonia or alcohol,as they can damagethe appearance of themicrowave oven. If youchoose to use a commonhousehold cleaner, firstapply the cleaner directlyto a clean cloth, thenwipe the soiled area.How to Cleanthe Outside32