• Use foil only as directed inthis manual. When usingfoil in the microwaveoven, keep the foil at least1” (2.5 cm) away from thesides of the oven.• Plastic cookware—Plasticcookware designed formicrowave cooking isvery useful, but shouldbe used carefully. Evenmicrowave-safe plasticmay not be as tolerant ofovercooking conditionsas are glass or ceramicmaterials and may softenor char if subjectedto short periods ofovercooking. In longerexposures to over-cooking, the food andcookware could ignite.Follow these guidelines:1 Use microwave-safeplastics only and usethem in strict compliancewith the cookwaremanufacturer’srecommendations.2 Do not microwave emptycontainers.3 Do not permit childrento use plastic cookwarewithout completesupervision.The fan will operateautomatically undercertain conditions (seeAutomatic Fan feature).Take care to prevent thestarting and spreading ofaccidental cooking fireswhile the vent fan is in use.• Clean the underside ofthe microwave often.Do not allow greaseto build up on themicrowave or thefan filters.• In the event of a greasefire on the surface unitsbelow the microwaveoven, smother a flamingpan on the surface unitby covering the pancompletely with a lid, acookie sheet or a flat tray.• Use care when cleaningthe vent fan filters.Corrosive cleaningagents, such as lye-basedoven cleaners, maydamage the filters.• When preparingflaming foods underthe microwave, turnthe fan on.• Never leave surface unitsbeneath your microwaveoven unattended at highheat settings. Boiloverscause smoking and greasyspillovers that may igniteand spread if themicrowave vent fan isoperating. To minimizeautomatic fan operation,use adequate sizedcookware and use highheat on surface units onlywhen necessary.THE VENTFANIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONSPECIAL NOTES ABOUT MICROWAVING8