Operating YourSet the‘IkmperatumControlsRef@eratorAutomaticEnergy Saver SystemI FREEZER C INITIAL SETTINGE COLDEST I ‘N’T’AL ‘ETT’NG 5 FRESH FOODCOLDEST 9 IYourrefrigerator has two controlsthatlet you regulatethe temperaturein the fresh food and freezercompartments.INITIALLY, set the FRESHFOOD control at 5 and theFREEZER control at CFor colder or warmertemperatures, adjust the desiredcompartment control one letter ornumber at a time.IMPORTANTWhen your refrigerator is firstinstalled, allow 24 houm forstabilization to normal operatingtemperature before filling it withlarge amounts of fresh or frozenfti.Note: ‘Ihming the fresh fdcontrol to “OFF” turns off B~compartments-fish food ANDfreezer.How to T&t ‘IbmperaturesUse the milk test for the freshfbod compartment. Place acontainer of milk on the top shelf inthe fkesh fbod compartment. Checkit a day later. If the milk is toowarm or too cold, adjust thetemperature controls.,,,,;-. )*.+,.$*.. w-Use the ice cream test for thefreezer compartment. Place acontainer of ice cream in the centerof the freezer compartment. Checkit after a day. If it’s too hard or toosoft, adjust the temperature controls.,.?-.’, f . . . . . . . ,,, .,. 1,-./. .,, .l J-. ,c.:r’~- ...-~,,,,,If you turn yourhousehold thermostat below60T. at night. ..you may want to turn the letteredcontrol one step colder, as from “C”to “D? Cooler temperatures in thehouse may cause the compressor tooperate less frequently, thusalknving the freezer compartmentto warm somewhat. To protect yourfrozen fd supply, leave yourlettered setting at this colder settingfor the entire winter or forwhatever period of time you areturning down your thermostat. Thisis especially important when thethermostat is turned down for anextended period.This change should have no effecton your fresh fd compartment.However, if freezing occurs, turnthe numbered control one stepwarmer, as from “5” to “4~’When you stop turning thethermostat down, turn temperaturecontrols back to their regularsettings.Youwon’t find an “energy saver”switch on this refrigerator.W-liquid from the refrigerator’scondenser is automaticallycirculated around the front edge ofthe freezer compartment to helpkeep moisture horn forming on theoutside of the refrigerator duringhumid weather.Many refrigerators use specialelectric heaters. This refrigeratorneeds none. That’s why there is no“energy saver:’ switch. . .there’s noneed for it.No DefrostingIt is not necessary to defrost the ifreezer or&h food compartments.Your refrigerator is designed and 1equipped to defrost itselfautomatically.*.,, . . ,- ,,. .,..- ,r. ,“&& -’ ‘I-, -.,2 ,- ,.b