GE TFX27F Use And Care Manual
Also see for TFX27F: Use and care
Fwd Storage SuggestionsSuggested Storage Times* To store cheese, wrap well withwax paper or aluminum foil, or put~atingquality dro~s REFR1::RATOR FRE!!ZER in a plastic mwafter time sh-own - 35° t?400F.Fresh Meats DAYSRoasts (Beef & Lamb) 3t05Roasts (Pork & Veal) 3t05Steaks (Beef) 3t05Chops (Lamb) 3t05Chops (Pork). 3t05Ground & Stew Meats lto2Variety Meats. lto2Sausage (Pork). lto2Processed MeatsBacon 7Frankfurters 7Ham (Whole) 7Ham (Half) 3t05Ham (Slices) 3Luncheon Meats 3t05Sausage (Smoked) 7Sausage(Dry & Semi-Dry) 14 to 21Cooked MeatsCooked Meats andMeat Dishes, 3t04Gravy & Meat Broth lto2Fresh PoultryChicken &Turkey (Whole) lto2Chicken (Pieces) 1t02Turkey (Pieces) lto2Duck & Goose (Whole) 1 to 2Giblets lto2Cooked PoultryPieces (Covered with Broth) I to 2Pieces (Not Covered) 3t04Cooked Poultry Dishes 3t04Fried Chicken 3t04(Otherthanformeats & poultry)(&.MONTHS6 to 124t086 tO 126t093t043t043t04lto21!’4lto2lto2lto2Freezingnot recom-mended,2t032t03129663614t064FREEZERMost fruds and vegetables 8-12 monthsLean fish. 6-8 monthsFatty fish, rolls and breads,soups, stew, casseroles 2-3 monthsCakes. pies, sandwiches,Ieft-overs (cooked),Ice cream (original carton) 1 month maxNew techniquesare constantly being dweloped.Consult the College or County ExtensionService or your local Utilii Company for thelatest informationon freezingand storing foods.lU.S. Depaflment of AgricultureMeats, fish and poultry purchasedfrom the store vary in quality andage; consequently, safe storagetime in your refrigerator will vary.To store unfrozen meats, fish andpoultry:l Always remove store wrappings.l Rewrap in foil, film or wax paperand refrigerate immediately.l Carefidly wrap to expel air andhelp prevent mold.l Store pre-packaged cheese in itsown wrapping if you wish.To store vegetables, use thevegetable drawers—they’ve beendesigned to preserve the naturalmoisture and freshness of produce.l Covering vegetables with a moisttowel helps maintain crispness.l As a fi.nther aid to freshness,pre-packaged vegetables can bestored in their original wrapping.Note: Specialfieshfooa’ compamnentdrawers (on models so equipped)make it unnecessary to wrap certainfoods which they’vebeen designedto preserve. These drawers aredescribed on page 15.To store ice cream—Fine-qualityice cream, with high creamcontent, will normally requireslightly lower temperatures thanmore “airy,” already-packagedbrands with low cream content.l It will be necessary to experiment todetermine the freezer compartmentlocation and temperature controlsetting to keep your ice cream atthe right serving temperature.l The mr of the freezer compartmentis slightly colder than the front.Tips on Freezing FoodsThere are three essentialrequirements for efficient homefreezing.1. Initial quality. Freeze onlytop-quality foods. Freezing retainsquality and flavor; it cannotimprove quality.2. Speed. The quicker fruits andvegetables are frozen afier picking,the better the frozen product willbe. You’llsave time, too, with lessculling and sorting to do.3. Proper packaging. Use foodwraps designed especially forfreezing.14r ITo freeze meat, fish and poultry,wrap well in freezer-weight foil (orother heavy-duty wrapping material),forming it carefully to the shape ofthe contents. This expels air. Foldand crimp ends of the package toprovide a good, lasting seal.Don’t refreeze meat that hascompletely thawed; meat, whetherraw or cooked, can be frozensuccessfully only once.Limit freezing of fresh (unfrozen)meats or seafoods to 29 pounds ata time.For Convenience...l Store all like things together. Thisnot only saves time, but electricity—because you can find foods faster.. Place the oldest items up front sothey can be used up promptly.l Use the roomy Ports-Bins onthe door for most frequently usedfoods and beverages.l Use the meat drawer for meatsyou do not freeze.To Save Money in Energyand Food Costsl Place most perishable items suchas milk. cream or cottage cheese inthe coldest part of the refri,gerator—in a Ports-Bin on the door in linewith one of the air ducts throughwhich cold air from the freezerenters the fresh food compartment.l Cover moist foods with tight lids,plastic film or foil.l Leaf vegetables and fruits placedin storage drawers will last longerstored in closed plastic containersor wrapped in plastic film.l Do not overload your fresh foodor freezer compartment with a lotof warm food at once.l Open the doors the fewest timespossible to save electrical energy.c When going out of town forseveral days. leave as few perishablesas possible in the refrigerator. Setthe icemaker to the “OFF’” positionand shut off water to the refrigerator..———--- - -- ...u II I II I I I |
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