How to Set theDoor AlarmYou don’t have to set the visualalarm. As long as either door isopen, the red DOOR OPEN signallight flashes.If the green signal light on theDOOR ALARM pad is glowing,the beeper alarm is set. If it’s not.touch the pad to turn it on.If either door is open for more than30 seconds, a recurring beep sounds.The light goes out and the beepingstops when you close the door.There are times when you’ll wantthe Door Alarm beeper turnedoff. When you’re rearranging a lotof food, for example. Just touch thepad. The green light will go outand the beeping will stop.Why the Red WarmTemperature Light Glows.At first, it’s probably because yournewly installed refrigerator hasn’tcompletely cooled down yet. Waita few hours for it to cool, and thenthe light will go out.From then on, the red light willglow whenever temperatures insideget too high for proper food storage.If this happens, open the doorsonly when absolutely necessary.and close them as quickly aspossible.As soon as inside tempertituresreturn to normal. the light goes out.How the ElectronicMonitor and DiagnosticSystem Works.The word NORMAL is lightedin green except when a failure hasbeen detected.Deactivating the Door Alarmbeeper does not turn the red DOOROPEN light off—it keeps flashinguntil the door is closed.1- I II I--- ..—-II IThe SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpad has two functions:1. You can touch the SYSTEMCHECK-RESET pad and get areview of the electronic diagnosticcodes in order of their priority.2. You can touch the SYSTEMCHECK-RESET pad to erase threeflashing codes immediately andtwo codes tifter the condition thatcaused them to flash has beencorrected (see page 8).