Installation Instructionsr_ INSTALL BRACKET TO DRYER[] Align the holes in the left bracket withthe holes in the bottom left corner of thedryer. Use a Phillips screwdriver to installthe 2 #12 x 1" tapping screws.[] Repeat the above step with the rightbracket on the bottom right corner of thedryer.©[] Set the dryer upright.NOTE: Make sure to set the dryer on a pieceof packing material so the brackets that areattached to the bottom of the dryer do notdamage the floor.[] PREPARE THE WASHERAND DRYER[] Place the washer in the approximatelocation.[] Make sure the washer is level. Refer towasher Installation Instructions fordetails.[] Remove the back portion of the controlpanel by removing the 3 screws.[] Reverse dryer door swing if desired. Seedryer installation instructions for details.NOTE: The washer door swing is notreversible.[] iNSTALL DRYER AND BRACKETON WASHER[] Lift the dryer on top of the washer.Be careful not to scratch the top of thewasher with the brackets. Protect thewasher control panel with cardboard orother protection. Be sure to lift the dryerhigh enough to clear the washer controlpanelWARNINGPotential Personal mniury. More than twopeopte are recommended to lift the dryerinto position because of its weight and size.Failure to do so could result in personalinjury or death.[] Atign the holes in the bracket with theholes in the back of the washer. Using aPhillips screwdriver attach the 2 #8 x 1/2"tapping screws. Repeat on both sides ofthe washer.3