55Tables and tips enAcrylamide in foodstuffsWhich foods are affected?Acrylamide is mainly produced in grain and potatoproducts that are heated to high temperatures, such ascrisps, chips, toast, bread rolls, bread, fine baked goods(biscuits, gingerbread, cookies).Farmer's omelette Roastingdish1 175 U Searing+ 10 - 15Sear all the ingredients apart from theeggs in the roasting dish to begin with;then pour the egg mixture over the topand continue cooking until the farmer'somelette is firm.Put the lid on.Couscous dish Roastingdish1 220/140* U Searing+ 90 - 120Sear the meat and vegetables, thenadd the liquid and continue cooking.Put the lid on.Prepare the couscous in a pan on thehob.Chilli con carne Roastingdish1 220/130* U Searing+ 90Put the lid on.Dish Accessories Level Tempera-turein °CHeatingfunctionCookingtimein min.Comments* Sear at a high temperature to begin with; to continue cooking, turn the temperature back down.Tips for keeping acrylamide to a minimum when preparingfoodGeneral Keep cooking times as short as possible.Cook food until it is golden brown, but nottoo dark. Large, thick pieces of food con-tain less acrylamide.Baking With hot air at max. 180 °C.Biscuits Egg or egg yolk reduces the production ofacrylamide. Spread out a single layerevenly on the baking tray.OvenChipsCook at least 400 g at once on a bakingtray so that the chips do not dry out.