GAGGIA ANIMA 05 TROUBLESHOOTINGPag. 3/9Press buttons from 1 to 7Press buttons from 1 to 7Only when a button is pressed a O appears on the relative positionof button pressed.In the middle of display appears the name of the button pressed andthe backlight color changes from WHITE to RED.When a button is pressed, also the Stand-By led (RED) turn ON.Note: Press button Z7 as the last once, since it makeschange the test page.Note: If 2 or more buttons are pressed the name that appearson display could be wrong.ERROR:ERROR: If nothing appears on display; check the interface board and the flat cable (JP21).If nothing appears on display; check the interface board and the flat cable (JP21).ERROR:ERROR: If during the movement the backlight remain WHITE check the wiring (JP1) from theIf during the movement the backlight remain WHITE check the wiring (JP1) from theinterface board and the display.interface board and the display.ERROR:ERROR: The name displayed is wrong; check the position of jumper in interface in JP5. It mustThe name displayed is wrong; check the position of jumper in interface in JP5. It mustbe the same of machine the same of machine model.The machine passes to the level 2 (INPUTS)The machine passes to the level 2 (INPUTS)Insert a full Water Tank.Insert a full Water Tank.The indication H20 changes from “N” to “Y”.The indication H20 changes from “N” to “Y”.NOTE:NOTE: the switching from “N” to “Y” requires about 1-2 seconds.the switching from “N” to “Y” requires about 1-2 seconds.ERROR:ERROR: The indication TANK-H2O doesn’t change; check the ca-The indication TANK-H2O doesn’t change; check the ca-pacitive sensor (fixing) and the wiring (JP23)pacitive sensor (fixing) and the wiring (JP23)Page 1 (KEYBOARD)Page 1 (KEYBOARD)Page 2 (INPUTS)Page 2 (INPUTS)Start conditionStart conditionStart conditionStart conditionPressPress Z7Z7 ““ ” to move to the next screen” to move to the next screen