• 31 •• Turn the selector switch clockwise to setit to the “ ” position.To prepare your cappuccino,we recommend dischargingthe water in the steam wand.• To discharge the water in the steamwand, place a container under thesteam wand (Pannarello, if supplied).• Only the following icon will bedisplayed steady on.• Fill the cup with hot water to thedesired level; to stop hot water dis-pensing, turn selector switch counter-clockwise back to the “ ” position.The machine returns to the normaloperating mode.Occasionally, after turn-ing the selector switch, hotwater may not be dispensed and thefollowing displayed icon will startblinking. Simply wait until the endof the warm-up phase, at which pointhot water will be dispensed from thePannarello.STEAM DISPENSING /PREPARING A CAPPUC-CINOSteam may be used to froth milk for acappuccino, as well as to reheat otherbeverages.Danger of scalding! Brewingmay be preceded by smalljets of hot water. The steam wandmay reach high temperatures. Nevertouch it with bare hands.Important note: immedi-ately after using the steamto froth the milk, clean the steamwand (or Pannarello when provided).When the machine is ready, brew asmall amount of hot water in a glassand clean the steam wand (or Pan-narello when provided) externally.In this way, all parts will be perfectlycleaned and free of any milk residue.• When the machine is ready to brewcoffee, turn selector switch counter-clockwise to set it onto the “ ”position. Residual water may comeout of the steam wand (Pannarello, ifsupplied).• Steam dispensing will begin when theicon is displayed steady on; soon after,only steam will begin to come out.Steady onBlinkingSteady onBlinking• Turn the selector switch clockwise andset it back to the “ ” position to stopdispensing steam.• The icon blinks during the preheatingtime required by the machine.• Fill 1/3 of the container you wish to useto prepare the cappuccino with coldmilk.To ensure better results whenpreparing a cappuccino, usecold milk straight from the fridge.4219-465-04381 GAG. MAN. BRERA IT-EN-DE-FR Rev.00.indd 31 14/10/2020 14:49:01