31ENGLIShT1T57.2 COFFEE DELIVERYOn pressing the corresponding key T1-T2-T3 or T4, thecorresponding delivery solenoid valves are activatedfor the time necessary to obtain the required amount ofproduct as previously programmed (volumetric check).The LED relative to the selected measure remains on forthe entire coffee delivery time.The delivery in progress may be suspended before ac-tually reaching the desired programmed product quantityby pressing any of the measure keys present on thekeyboard of the unit used for product delivery.It is also possible to obtain simultaneous coffee deliveryfrom all the machine units.7.3 CONTINUOUS COFFEEMEASURESFor continuous coffee measure delivery press key T5from the keyboard corresponding to the unit on whichone wishes to operate.The LED corresponding to key T5 will remain on for theentire delivery operation.IMPORTANT ! Avoid keeping it pressed for more than5 seconds or it will enter the programming mode.Coffee delivery will continue until measure stop bypressing key T5, or on obtaining the maximum amountof product which can be obtained through volumetriccontrol (6000 impulses) or by means of delivery Time-out function.IMPORTANT ! The start of the relative “continuous”cycle occurs on the release (within 5 seconds) of key T5and not on pressing of the same. While the STOP functionmay be obtained by pressing it a second time.T1To programme the other units, press the specific pro-gramming key of each unit and carry out the sameoperations as undertaken on unit 1. In this case anyvariations in the measures are activated only on theunit on which one is actually working.