Document Number: GAR_IOM_CFABROILER_4603091 rev 00 (08/21/2017) 53Section 5 TroubleshootingDisplay Screen / User Interface (UI) Controller Issues• Some issues with the display device can be resolved by using the functions in easyTOUCH SETTINGS(password protected). Use the table below to locate the proper action required.Problem Possible Cause ActionNo soundVolume set too low Set volume to highSpeaker wiring incorrectCall Factory Authorized Service Agent.Display screen controller audio defectiveSpeaker defectiveScreen isn’t lit.Screen is blank.Main power lost:If grill power switch is ON but powerswitch green light is not lit, no power togrill.Check power supply to the appliance.If power supply is not the issue, call FactoryAuthorized Service Agent.If unit is ON and power button is lit,problem with UI or UI connection. Call Factory Authorized Service Agent.Screen is dim or verydark. Problem with UI. Call Factory Authorized Service Agent.Screen is locked out.Screen is frozenScreen is non-responsiveto touch.Software issueTurn OFF grill power switch. Wait for 10seconds and then turn ON grill.If rebooting the controller does not work, callFactory Authorized Service Agent.Display screen isrebooting.Main power intermittent.Check power supply to the appliance.If power supply is not the issue, call FactoryAuthorized Service Agent.Problem with UI or software. Call Factory Authorized Service Agent.24V power supply defectiveDisplay screen is cracked. Damage in transit or in-store. Turn OFF grill.Call Factory Authorized Service Agent.Wrong icon / letter isresponded to touch.Touch area is mappedincorrectly.Display screen mapping is off. Call Factory Authorized Service Agent toperform TOUCHSCREEN CALIBRATION.Unable to read orconnect to external USBflash drive.Flash drive is not in long enough Allow 30 seconds for USB to be recognizedby the UI controller.Flash drive is not recognizedRetry with a known good flash driveFlash drive faultyFlash drive set to read onlyUSB cable is disconnected. Call Factory Authorized Service Agent.Unable to upload filesfrom USB flash drive.Unable to download filesto USB flash drive.Flash drive faulty Retry with known good flash driveFiles on flash drive incorrect or corrupt orin zipped file format.Reload good files or uncompress files on USBflash drive and try again.USB cable is disconnected. Call Factory Authorized Service Agent.