Part # 1382669 (07/05) Page 11INSTALLATION ContinuedWall Mounted Salamanders, Cheese Meltersor Counter Mounted Salamander orCheese Melters1. Clearance from combustible construction must besix inches (6’) minimum at rear and six inches (6”)minimum at sides.Each gas appliance shall be located with respect tobuilding construction and other equipment so asto permit access to the appliance. Such access andclearance my be necessary for service and cleaning.2. All models ending with suffix “C” must be fastenedto the counter top.3. All models ending with suffix “W” are mounted toa vertical surface using the mounting kit as shownbelow. The salamanders are shipped with the wallmounting kit already attached to the appliance.4. Provisions for gas connections, bottom or rear,should be taken into consideration at time ofinstallation.Ventilation and Air SupplyProper ventilation is highly important for good operation.The ideal method of ventilation a Salamander Broiler isthe use of a properly designed canopy hood which shouldextend six inches (6”) beyond all sides of the applianceand six (6) feet six (6) inches from the floor.A strong exhaust fan will create a vacuum in the room,for an exhaust system to work properly, replacement airmust enter the room in which the vent is located. theamount of air which is exhausted must equal the amountentering, (make-up air).All gas burners and pilots need sufficient air to operateand large objects should not be placed in front or on topof the broiler which would obstruct the air flow throughthe front of the broiler.FOR YOUR SAFETY never place any type of objecton top of the salamander broiler or cheese melters. Thetop of the broiler will exceed 1000º F. It could causesevere burns or fire and obstruct ventilationClearances:From Combustible material 6” sides and rear. A clearanceof 0.0” to non combustible construction as sides & rearis acceptable, for the Salamander, The Cheese melter isnot suitable for installation on a combustible floor.