Astro and DC 40 Owner’s ManualImportant Safety and Product InformationCommissions (FCC) adopted RFexposure guidelines with safety levelsfor handheld wireless radios. Thoseguidelines are consistent with safetystandards previously set by both U.S.and international standards bodies:American National Standards Institute(ANSI) IEEE. C95.1-1992; NationalCouncil on Radiation Protectionand Measurements (NCRP) Report86; International Commission onNon-Ionizing Radiation Protection(ICNIRP) 1996. Those standards werebased on comprehensive and periodicevaluations of the relevant scientificliterature. For example, over 130scientists, engineers, and physiciansfrom universities, government healthagencies, and industry reviewed theavailable body of research to developthe ANSI Standard (C95.1). The designof your radio complies with the FCCguidelines (and those standards).For body-worn and face-heldoperation, this radio demonstratescompliance and meets the FCC RFexposure guidelines for uncontrolledexposure (general population) whenused with approved accessoriessupplied with or designed for thisproduct. Use of other accessories maynot ensure compliance with FCC RFexposure guidelines.Antenna Care–Use only the suppliedantenna. Unauthorized antennas,modifications, or attachments coulddamage the radio and may violate FCCregulations. Warning: Do not use anyradio that has a damaged antenna,because if it comes into contact withyour skin, a minor burn can result.Electronic Devices–Most modernelectronic equipment is shieldedfrom RF signals. However, certainequipment may not be shielded against