The prompt appears after five seconds. If you release thepower key before the prompt appears, the device enterspower saving mode.Acquiring GPS signalsWhen you turn on your navigation device, the GPS receivermust collect satellite data and establish the current location. Thetime required to acquire satellite signals varies based on severalfactors, including how far you are from the location where youlast used your navigation device, whether you have a clear viewof the sky, and how long it has been since you last used yournavigation device. The first time you turn on your navigationdevice, it may take several minutes to acquire satellite signals.1 Turn on the device.2 Wait while the device locates satellites.3 If necessary, go to an open area away from tall buildings the status bar indicates the satellite signal strength. Whenat least half of the bars are filled, the device is ready fornavigation.Status bar iconsThe status bar is located at the top of the main menu. The statusbar icons display information about features on the device. Youcan select some icons to change settings or view additionalinformation.GPS signal status. Hold to view GPS accuracy and acquiredsatellite information (Viewing GPS signal status, page 26).Bluetooth®technology status. Select to view the Bluetoothsettings (Wireless network settings, page 22).Wi-Fi signal strength. Select to change the Wi-Fi settings(Wireless network settings, page 22).Connected to hands-free calling. Select to place a phone call(Hands-free Calling, page 16).Current time. Select to set the time (Setting the Time,page 23).Battery charge level.Sharing LiveTrack data. The number of invited viewersappears on the icon. Select to open the LiveTrack app(LiveTrack, page 19).Smartphone Link status. Select to connect to theSmartphone Link app and receive live traffic data and otherlive services (Pairing with your phone and connecting toSmartphone Link, page 14).Temperature. Select to view the weather forecast (Viewingthe weather forecast, page 20).Dash cam recording status. Select to open the dash camcontrols (Dash Cam, page 2).Using the on-screen buttonsOn-screen buttons allow you to navigate the pages, menus andmenu options on your device.• Select to return to the previous menu screen.• Hold to quickly return to the main menu.• Select or to scroll through lists or menus.• Hold or to scroll faster.• Select to see a context-based menu of options for thecurrent screen.Adjusting the volume1 Select Volume.2 Select an option:• Use the slider bar to adjust the volume.• Select to mute the device.• Select for additional options.Enabling automatic volumeYour device can increase or decrease the volume automaticallybased on the level of background noise.1 Select Volume > .2 Select Automatic Volume.Using the audio mixerYou can use the audio mixer to set the volume levels fordifferent audio types, such as navigation prompts or phone calls.The level for each audio type is a percentage of the mastervolume.1 Select Volume.2 Select > Audio Mixer.3 Use the sliders to adjust the volume for each audio type.Adjusting the screen brightness1 Select Settings > Display > Brightness.2 Use the slider bar to adjust the brightness.Dash CamAligning the cameraWARNINGDo not attempt to align the camera whilst driving.Some features, such as advanced driver assistance and GarminReal Vision™ features, may not perform properly if the camera isnot aligned. You should align the dash camera each time youmount or reposition the device.1 Select Settings > Dash Cam > Camera placement.2 Select Horizontal Placement, and select the horizontallocation of your device on the windshield.3 Select Vehicle Height, and select your vehicle type.4 Select Alignment.5 Tilt the device and turn the camera left or right to align thecamera.The crosshairs should point straight ahead, and the horizonline should be centred between the top and bottom of thescreen.Dash Cam RecordingNOTICESome jurisdictions regulate or prohibit use of this device. It isyour responsibility to know and comply with applicable laws andrights to privacy in jurisdictions where you plan to use thisdevice.Before you can record video, you must install a camera memorycard (Installing the dash camera memory card, page 1).By default, the device immediately starts recording video when itturns on. It continues recording, overwriting the oldest, non-saved video until it turns off.Saving a video recordingBy default, the device uses a sensor to detect possibleaccidental collisions and saves video footage before, during andafter the detected event.You can also manually save video at any time.1 While recording, select Apps > Dash Cam > .The device saves the video footage before, during, and afteryou select .2 Select again to extend the saved recording time (optional).2 Dash Cam