Route wpt deleted - One or more route waypoints were deletedwhile receiving data from the optional PCInterface Kit.Route wpt locked - At least one route waypoint is locked becausethe waypoint has been removed from theJeppesen NavData®, the data card is missing,or the data card has failed.Route wpt moved - One or more route waypoints were moved atleast 0.33 arc minutes due to a database change.RTCM input fail - The DGPS data signal was being received buthas now been lost. Check wiring.SID deleted - The SID was deleted from the route because ofinsufficient space in the route.STAR deleted - The STAR was deleted from the route becauseof insufficient space in the route.Searching the sky - The GPS 155XL is in the search-the-sky mode.Allow the unit to complete data collectionbefore turning it off.Select auto seq mode - The GPS SEQ switch should be set to the ‘Auto’position to continue navigation.Set course to ____° - The CDI/HSI should be set to the specifiedcourse.Start altitude chng - The altitude change entered on the VNAVPlanning page is about to begin.Steep turn ahead - This message appears approximately 90 secondsprior to a turn that requires a bank angle in excessof 25 degrees in order to stay on course. Turnanticipation will not be provided for the turn.Stored data lost - Stored user data, including waypoints, routesand satellite orbital data have been lost due to alow memory battery or inadvertent master reset.SUA ahead < 10 min - The projected course and current speed will takeyou inside an SUA within the next 10 minutes.SUA near & ahead - Your position is within two nautical miles of anSUA and your current course will take youinside.Timer expired - The approach timer has expired.User data RX started - Data receive operations have started.Usr data TX complete - Data transmit operations are complete.VNAV cancelled - The VNAV function has been cancelled due to achange in the active route.WGS 84 datum selectd-The system map datum was changed to WGS84 because the selected map datum has beenremoved from the NavData card, the data cardis missing, or the data card has failed.Wpt comment locked - At least one waypoint comment is lockedbecause the waypoint has been removed fromthe Jeppesen NavData®, the data card is miss-ing, or the data card has failed.Wpt exists _____ - You have entered a waypoint name on theAutoStore™ page or user waypoint catalog pagethat already exists in memory. Enter a waypointname that does not exist.Wpt memory full - The waypoint memory is full. You should deleteunused waypoints to make room for new way-points. 117APPENDIXDMESSAGES &ABBREVIATIONS