SECTION3NRST KEYOverviewNearest airport with other frequency information.If an airport has multiple frequencies available,they may be quickly viewed without activatingthe cursor by pressing the \ key repeatedly.Nearest FSS page. To view additional frequencies(if available), highlight the frequency and rotatethe O knob.53Section 3Nearest WaypointsThe GPS 155XL’s T key provides detailed information on the nine nearest airports,VORs, NDBs, intersections and user waypoints within 200 nm of your current position. Inaddition, it will display the two nearest Flight Service Station (FSS) and center (ARTCC/FIR) points of communication, plus alert you to any Special Use Airspace (SUA) you maybe in or near. The T key can be used in conjunction with the GPS 155XL’s direct-tofunction to quickly set a course to a nearby facility in case of an in-flight emergency.To view the nearest waypoint information:1. Press T.This will display the airport nearest to your present position, subject to the runwaysurface type and minimum runway length selected (see page 100).To scroll through the next eight nearest airports, rotate K.You may examine both the communication frequencies and the runway informationdirectly from the nearest airport page.To view more comm/runway information:1. Press C and rotate O to highlight the comm field or the runway field.2. Rotate K to scroll through more information, if available.To perform a direct-to on any of the nearest waypoint pages:1. Press D. The waypoint confirmation page will appear.2. Press E to accept the waypoint or \ to cancel.