3-4 GPS 175/GNX 375 Pilot’s Guide 190-02207-02 Rev. BNavigationAUTOMATIC ZOOMFEATURE LABELSTo maintain readability, map feature labels remain uniform at all zoom levels.TRAFFIC UNITSSystem Units page selections do not affect the display of traffic on Map.6Map Range IndicatorDisplays current map range in the upper left quadrant of the range ring(i.e., the distance from the aircraft to the range ring).7 North IndicatorIndicates True north.8Page Orientation Label• North Up orients map to True north.• Heading Up orients map to current aircraft heading (requiresheading data source interface).• Track Up orients map to current aircraft GPS track.9Map Overlay IconsIndicates status of overlays at the current map range.Includes: obstacles, power lines, precipitation, terrain, and trafficAIRCRAFTSTATEDEFAULTZOOMGround 0.50 nmAir 10.0 nmMap remembers the last zoom range for eachaircraft state, and automatically resumes thisview when the aircraft transitions between airand ground states.