GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference190-00140-60 Rev. H 3-1SECTION 3DIRECT-TO NAVIGATIONSECTION 3: DIRECT-TONAVIGATION3.1 OVERVIEWThe GPS 400’s direct-to function provides a quickmethod of setting a course to a destination waypoint. Oncea direct-to is activated, the GPS 400 establishes a point-to-point course line (great circle) from the present position tothe selected direct-to destination. Navigation data on thevarious NAV pages provides steering guidance until thedirect-to is cancelled or replaced by a new destination.Selecting a direct-to destination:1) Press the Direct-to Key. The Select Direct-toWaypoint Page appears (Figure 3-1), with thewaypoint identifier field highlighted.Figure 3-1 Select Direct-to Waypoint Page2) Use the small and large right knobs toenter the identifier of the desired destinationwaypoint (Figure 3-2).Figure 3-2 Waypoint Identifier Field Selected3) Press the ENT Key to confirm the selectedwaypoint, and press the ENT Key again toactivate the direct-to function (Figure 3-3).Figure 3-3 ‘Activate?’ Field HighlightedWhen off course while navigating to a waypoint, thedirect-to function may also be used to re-center the CDI(HSI) needle and proceed to the same waypoint.Re-centering the CDI (HSI) needle to thesame destination waypoint:Press the Direct-to Key, followed by the ENTKey twice.NOTe: When navigating an approach with themissed approach point (MaP) as the currentdestination, re-centering the CDi (HSi) needlewith the Direct-to Key cancels the approach.