GPS Navigation21GPS NavigationProximity WaypointsThe Proximity Waypoints Page allows you to designate waypointsthat have alarm circles around them at specified distances. The alarmhelps you avoid locations that are restricted or dangerous.To create a proximity waypoint:1. Press PAGE until you see the Main Menu Page. Highlight ‘Proximity’and press ENTER.2. Press ENTER to display the Find Menu. (See p. 22 for instructions onusing the Find Feature.)3. Select a waypoint from the Waypoints List and press ENTER todisplay the Waypoint Information Page.4. Highlight ‘Use’ at the bottom of the page and press ENTER to placethe point in the list on the Proximity Waypoints Page.5. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the Radius field if you want toenter a value other than the default of 1 mile.6. Highlight ‘Proximity Alarms’ and press ENTER to activate the alarmfeature. When you trigger an alarm, a tone sounds and a ‘NearProximity Point’ message appears. When you move outside the setradius, a ‘Leaving Proximity Point’ message appears.7. To remove or review a single entry, press ENTER. To remove allwaypoints from the list, press MENU and select ‘Remove All.’WaypointsProximity Waypoints PageRadiusfieldHighlightpoint and pressENTER to view