GPS Navigation33GPS NavigationCreating and Using a RouteA route gives you straight-line directions from one point to another,or from one point to several others. The GPS 60 can store fifty routesthat contain up to 250 points each. You can create routes that includewaypoints or points of interest with the Routes Page. With MapSourcemapping software and your personal computer, you can create complexroutes and transfer them to your GPS 60. Created routes are automati-cally saved in a list on the Routes Page. You can edit a route at any time.To create a route:1.From the Main Menu Page, use theROCKERkey to highlight‘Routes’ and pressENTER.2.Highlight ‘New’ and pressENTER.3.Highlight ENTERto add a waypointor other point to your route. The Find page appears.4.To add a waypoint, select ‘ Waypoints’ and choose the waypoint youwant to add to the route. To add other points, highlight the correctcategory and choose the point you want to add to the route. See“Finding Places,” p. 22 for more information. Then highlight ‘Use’and pressENTER.5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more points to your route. When youare finished adding points, highlight ‘Navigate’ and pressENTERtobegin using the route, or pressQUITto exit and save the route onthe Routes Page.RoutesThe Routes PageChoose ‘want to add to the route. Then select ‘Use.’