GPSMAP 192C Owner’s Manual 97APPENDIX > M OUNTING THE GPSMAP 192C U NITTo flush mount the GPSMAP 192C unit using thegimbal mounting bracket:1. Cut a 4.33" x 4.33" (110 x 110 mm) hole in the panel.2. Place the GPSMAP 192C into the hole from the front untilthe flange rests against the mounting surface.3. From the back of the panel, loosely attach the bracket sothe slot in the ratchet area points away from the mountingpanel (figure 1).4. Rotate the bracket downward until the panel is pinchedtightly between the unit’s flange and bracket lobe (figure 1).5. Tighten the knobs and connect the power/data and antennacables.NOTE: if the panel is too thick to allow use of the suppliedknobs, use two M6 screws to secure the bracket.Figure 1Pull gimbal bracketdown until cam lobecontacts surface.The GPSMAP 192C, with external antenna, can be flush mountedon a flat panel using its existing mounting bracket.To flush mount the GPSMAP 192C:1. Remove the four M5 screws from the back of the unit andremove the mounting bracket.2. Using the mounting bracket as a template, outline thecenter relief area and mark the location of the four screwholes centers on your bulkhead or other surface (figure 2).3. Cut the relief hole from the panel and drill the four 0.20"(5.08 mm) screw holes.4. Place the GPSMAP 192C into the relief hole until it restsflush against the mounting surface.5. Secure the unit to the mounting surface using the M5screws. Do not try to force the screws deeper into the holesthan the holes allow. For thick mounting surfaces, insertthe M5 screws directly thru the drilled holes (figure 3). Forthin panels, place the mounting bracket on the back sideof the panel for more support. Connect the power/data andantenna cables.Figure 2 Figure 3