Using the GPSMAP 376CThe advanced keypad system on the GPSMAP 376C is designed toallow you to select options and enter data quickly and conveniently.As you progress through this owner’s manual, you are directed topress a specific key or highlight a field on the screen. When youare directed to press a key, you should press and quickly release thekey. If the key needs to be held down for a period of time to start asecondary function, the instructions tell you to do so. When a field isselected on the screen, it is highlighted in yellow.The following terms are used throughout this manual:• Highlight—move the highlighted area on the screen up,down, left, or right with the ROCKER to select individualfields. Moving the highlight to a given location allows you tomake a selection, begin data entry, or scroll through a list.• Field—the location on a page where data or an option canbe shown and entered. Select (highlight) a field using theROCKER to begin entering data or selecting options.• On-screen button—use the ROCKER to highlight a buttonand press ENTER to select the button.• Scroll bar—when viewing a list of items too long to appearon the screen, a scroll bar appears along the right side ofthe list. To scroll through a list, press up or down on theROCKER.• Default—the factory setting saved in the unit’s memory. Youcan change the settings, but you can also revert to the factory(default) settings when you select Restore Defaults.Highlighted fieldFeldOn-screen buttonsCartographyThe GPSMAP 376C has a built-in worldwide database. The unitshows cartography as long as chart information is available for thezoom scale you selected.Optional preloaded Garmin data cards and MapSource CD-ROMsenhance the versatility of your GPSMAP 376C. With optionalMapSource BlueChart information and BlueChart g2 you can viewinformation that is not already preloaded.See the Garmin Web site at forcompatible MapSource products. GPSMAP 376C Owner’s ManualgettIng stArted > usIng the gPsMAP 376c