To find an item from another location:1. From any page, press FIND.2. Highlight a category from the list, and press ENTER.3. Press MENU to open the options menu.Find From Options Menu4. Highlight Near Other, and press ENTER. If you are activelyfollowing a route, you can also choose one of the otheroptions listed in the Find From list.5. Select a reference location on the map, and press ENTER.The list shows items nearest to the new map location.To find an item near another item:1. Press FIND. The Find Menu appears.2. Highlight the item you want to find from.3. Press FIND. The Find Menu opens again with items near thepreviously selected item. Search for the item you want.Viewing Recently Found ItemsThe Recently Found Page shows a list of the items you havesearched for or gone to recently.To view a list of recently found items:1. Press FIND to open the Find Menu.2. Highlight Recently Found, and press ENTER to open the listof recently found items.3. Press MENU to open the options menu.4. Select Show Find History to view the list of items you havesearched for recently.ORSelect Show Go To History to view the list of items for whichyou have recently created a Go To (Go To History).5. Highlight Remove Point, and press ENTER to delete theselected recently found point.1 GPSMAP 376C Owner’s ManualMArIne Mode > fIndIng An IteM