nüvi 760 for Volvo cars Owner’s ManualUSinG the toolS1. Touch Tools > CurrencyConverter > Update.2. Touch the rate you want to update.3. Touch to erase the currentrate. Enter a new rate, and touchDone.4. Touch Save to finish.TiP: Touch restore to use theoriginal rate.Unit Converter1. Touch Tools > Unit Converter.2. Touch Conversion, select a typeof measurement, and touch OK.3. Touch a unit of measure that youwant to change.4. Select a unit of measure, andtouch OK. Repeat, if necessary.5. Touch the blank rectangle to entera value.6. Enter a value, and touch Done.The unit is converted.7. Touch Clear to enter anothermeasurement.Language GuideThe Garmin Language Guide puts datafrom Oxford’s multilingual resourcesand five bilingual dictionaries in thepalm of your hand. To purchase anaccessory, go to http://buy.garmin.comor contact your Garmin dealer.Translating Words andPhrases1. Touch Tools > Language Guide> Words and Phrases.2. Touch Language, select the Fromand To languages, and touchBack.3. Select a category and search for aphrase.4. Touch Search to spell the wordor phrase, if necessary. Touch aphrase to open the translation.5. Touch to hear the translation.