nüvi 760 for Volvo cars Owner’s ManualaPPendixDeclaration of ConformityHereby, Garmin declares that thisnüvi product is in compliance with theessential requirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Toview the full Declaration of Conformity,see the Garmin Web site for your Garminproduct: www.garmin.com/volvo.Software LicenseAgreementBY USING THE nüvi, YOU AGREETO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWINGSOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT.PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENTCAREFULLY.Garmin grants you a limited license to usethe software embedded in this device (the“Software”) in binary executable form inthe normal operation of the product. Title,ownership rights, and intellectual propertyrights in and to the Software remain in Garmin.You acknowledge that the Software is theproperty of Garmin and is protected under theUnited States of America copyright laws andinternational copyright treaties. You furtheracknowledge that the structure, organization,and code of the Software are valuable tradesecrets of Garmin and that the Software insource code form remains a valuable tradesecret of Garmin. You agree not to decompile,disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverseengineer, or reduce to human readable formthe Software or any part thereof or create anyderivative works based on the Software. Youagree not to export or re-export the Software toany country in violation of the export controllaws of the United States of America.Volvo® Limited WarrantySee your Volvo® dealer for warrantyinformation.