IndexQuest 2® Owner’s Manual IndexSymbols2D Navigation 433D Navigation 43Aacquiring satellites 43adding mapping software 47addresses, finding 10antennaexternal 1positioning of flip-up 1area tab 34assign category 16AutoZoom 34avoidarea 26road 25road type 25Bbacklight 6, 35battery icons 32battery saver 36battery temperature warn-ing 49bearing pointer 20best route 37Ccalculate routes for 37categories 16city, finding 11city tab 34cleaning the Quest 2 49clear track 39color mode 34, 35Compass page 20course pointer 20create a category 16Current Route page 31customizing 33display setup 35map setup 33route setup 37system setup 36track setup 39units setup 38welcome page 40Ddata fieldsCompass page 20customizing 33definitions 45Map page 29Trip Info page 32datum 38daylight savings 38daytime color mode 35deleteavoidance 26category 16recent finds 12route 22saved location 17via point 24detours 23Directions to Me 9display setup 35eedit a saved location 16elevation 38entering data 7exits, finding 11external power lost 36Ffaster time 37FCC 51finding places 8–13addresses 10cities 11exits 11intersections 10My Locations 17Recent Finds 12Find key 6Find menu 8find near 9frozen screen 49GGPS 41–44mode 36turn off/on 43Hheading, units 38hide above 34Home Location 18Iindoor use 5intersections, finding 10Kkeyboard, on-screen 7keypress tone 36keys 6Llayout tab 33line tab 34locating satellites 43location format 38locks up 49lost satellite reception 43Mmagnetic variance 38mapping software, adding 47map card 27map detail level 33map info 47Map pagecontrolling map views 47customizing 33learning how to use 27–29map setup 33–34maximum speed, resetting 32Menu key 6modifying routes 21move around the map 28My Locations 14–17. Seealso saved locationfinding 17saving 14Nnavigational text (navtext) 27,33new location 44Next Turn page 30nighttime color mode 35north up 33