23The ‘REVIEWWAYPOINT’ Pageallows you to deletea waypoint.You can start a GOTOfrom the ‘REVIEWWAYPOINT’ Page.Review Waypoint PageThe Review Waypoint Page allows you to change thewaypoint symbol, name, elevation and location (just likeon the Mark Waypoint Page). You can also delete thewaypoint, display the waypoint on the Map Page, andstart a GOTO.To delete a waypoint:1. On the ‘REVIEW WAYPOINT’ Page, press the UPor DOWN Button and highlight ‘DELETE’. Pressthe ENTER Button. A confirmation message boxappears asking if you really want to delete thewaypoint. If you do, press the UP or DOWNButton, highlight ‘YES’ and press ENTER.If you change your mind and do not want to deletethe waypoint, press the UP or DOWN Button,highlight ‘NO’ and press ENTER. The confirmationmessage box disappears and the waypoint remainsin memory (you can also press the PAGE Buttonto exit).To start a GOTO:1. On the ‘REVIEW WAYPOINT’ Page, press the UPor DOWN Button and highlight ‘GOTO’. Press theENTER Button. The ‘GOTO’ is activated with theselected waypoint as the destination.To view the selected waypoint on the MapPage:1. On the ‘REVIEW WAYPOINT’ Page, press the UPor DOWN Button and highlight ‘MAP’. Press theENTER Button. The selected waypoint is displayedon a map with bearing and distance. You can usethe UP or DOWN Buttons to zoom in and out onthe map. Press the PAGE Button and switch back tothe ‘WAYPOINTS’ Page.ReferenceReviewWaypoint Page