24Using the Project feature can create a waypoint at aspecified distance and bearing using a new or existingwaypoint as a reference. This works best when using a mapand compass to determine distance and bearing. You canalso change the name, symbol and elevation on this page.Projecting a waypoint:1. To project a waypoint from a waypoint on thewaypoint list (in order to insert a new waypointin a route, for example), select the route waypointfrom the list on the ‘WAYPOINTS’ Page and pressENTER. The ‘REVIEW WAYPOINT’ Page displays.To project a waypoint from your current location(i.e., in order to travel to a location sighted in thedistance), press and hold the OK Button to markyour location and save it as a waypoint. Then, selectit from the waypoints list, and press ENTER todisplay the ‘REVIEW WAYPOINT’ Page.2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the‘PROJECT’ field and press ENTER. The ‘PROJECTWAYPOINT’ Page displays and a numeric name isassigned to the new waypoint.3. The distance field is highlighted by default. PressENTER to display the ‘EDIT NUMBER’ Page.4. On the ‘EDIT NUMBER’ Page, pressing the DOWNButton moves the highlight to the next numberin the field. With the desired digit selected, pressENTER to activate the drop-down number list.5. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the correctnumber and press ENTER. When all numbers areentered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.6. Using the DOWN Button, highlight the bearing fi eldand press ENTER to display the ‘EDIT ANGLE’ Page.7. On the ‘EDIT ANGLE’ Page, pressing the DOWNButton moves the highlight to the next numberin the field. With the desired digit selected, pressENTER to activate the drop-down number list.8. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the correctnumber and press ENTER. When all numbers areentered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.9. Highlight ‘GOTO’ and press ENTER to save thewaypoint and begin direct navigation to the point.ReferenceReviewWaypoint PageThe ‘PROJECTWAYPOINT’ PageThe ‘EDIT NUMBER’Page