30To delete all tracks:1. On the ‘TRACK LOG’ Page, press the UP or DOWNButton and highlight ‘DELETE ALL’. Press ENTER.The verifi cation window appears.2. If you really want to delete all saved tracks, pressthe UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘YES’. PressENTER. If you change your mind, press the UP orDOWN Button and select ‘NO’. Press ENTER. Thetracks remain in memory (or press PAGE to exit).To delete a saved track:1. On the ‘TRACK LOG’ Page, press the UP or DOWNButton and highlight the saved track that youwant to delete from the ‘SAVED TRACKS’ list. PressENTER. The saved track appears graphically.2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight‘DELETE’. Press ENTER. A confirmation windowappears asking you if you really want to deletethe saved track. If you do, press the UP or DOWNButton and highlight ‘YES’. Press ENTER. If youchange your mind, press the UP or DOWN Buttonand select ‘NO’. Press ENTER (or you can pressPAGE to exit). The tracks remain in memory.To start TracBack Navigation:1. On the ‘TRACK LOG’ Page, press the UP or DOWNButton and highlight the saved track from the‘SAVED TRACKS’ that you want to travel. PressENTER. The track graphically appears.2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight‘TRACBACK’. Press ENTER. The direction windowappears asking you if you want the destination tobe at the beginning of the track or the end of thetrack (see sidebar). Press the UP or DOWN Buttonand select the desired destination point. The ‘NAVI-GATION’ Page guides you to your destination.You may not remember the original direction of thesaved track, but by using ‘BEGIN’ or ‘END’, you canalways select where you want to “TracBack to” withoutremembering the directions of the saved track.The ‘BEGIN’ point isthe point defining thestarting point whensaving a track log.‘END’ is the last pointthat was saved. Eachsaved track will alwayshave a ‘BEGIN’ and‘END’ point fornavigation. The‘BEGIN-END’ pairimply the direction ofthe saved track. If youwant to retrace thetrack, navigate to‘END’. If you wantto track back to thestarting point, navigateto ‘BEGIN’.ReferenceTrack Logs