vi zūmo 500/550 Owner’s ManualPREFACED R A F Tzūmo 500/550 Owner’s Manual 1GETTING STARTEDD R A F TGETTING STARTEDLooking at Your zūmoA Power buttonB Zoom in, increase volume,scroll through MP3sC Zoom out, decrease volume,scroll through MP3sD Page button–scroll throughthe Map page, Trip Computer,Music PlayerE Volume level–use theand buttons to adjust thevolume.Product RegistrationHelp us better support you bycompleting our online registration today!Connect to our Web site at this area to record the serial number(8-digit number located on the backof the zūmo) in case your zūmo needsservice. Keep the original sales receipt,or a photocopy, in a safe place.Serial Number: ____ ____ ____ ________ ____ ____ ____Contact GarminContact Garmin if you have anyquestions while using your zūmo. Inthe U.S.A. contact Garmin ProductSupport by phone: 913/397.8200 or800/800.1020, Monday–Friday,8 AM–5 PM Central Time; or go, and clickProduct Support.In Europe, contact Garmin (Europe) 44/0870.8501241.Software LicenseAgreementBY USING THE zūmo, YOU AGREE TO BEBOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONSOF THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSEAGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THISAGREEMENT CAREFULLY.Garmin grants you a limited license to usethe software embedded in this device (the“Software”) in binary executable form in thenormal operation of the product. Title, ownershiprights, and intellectual property rights in and tothe Software remain in Garmin.You acknowledge that the Software is theproperty of Garmin and is protected under theUnited States of America copyright laws andinternational copyright treaties. You furtheracknowledge that the structure, organization, andcode of the Software are valuable trade secretsof Garmin and that the Software in source codeform remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin.You agree not to decompile, disassemble, modify,reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduce tohuman readable form the Software or any partthereof or create any derivative works based onthe Software. You agree not to export or re-exportthe Software to any country in violation ofthe export control laws of the United States ofAmerica.SD cardslotMini-USBconnectorABCDEMCX connectorunder rubbercap (for anoptional externalantenna)Battery packTo replace thebattery pack, seepage ??