6.6WARNING: The Limit Overrun will override external reversing devices, including photocells and sensing edgesor reversing edges. Therefore, any externally connected devices will be disabled during that portion of the door travelcontrolled by the Limit Overrun function.The Down Limit Overrun function should be used to close the door no more than the final 2”..AVERTISSEMENT: La fonction de dépassement de limite annulera les dispositifs de renversement externes,y compris les cellules photoélectriques et des systèmes de détection ou d’inversion aux bords. En conséquence, tousles dispositifs externes connectés seront désactivés pendant la partie de la course de la porte qui est contrôlée par lafonction de dépassement de limite.La fonction de dépassement de limite inférieure doit être utilisée pour fermer la porte uniquement aux derniers 5 cm..!!Section 6: Operator Setup ProcedureA) The Limit Overrun setting is a matter of trial and error. The goal is to adjust the Limit Overrun until anappropriate seal is obtained between the bottom edge of the door and the floor.B) The Limit Overrun setting can be varied between 0 and 9. 0 - disables the Limit Overrun so that the doorstops at the down limit switch setting. 9 - causes the greatest amount of door travel beyond the limitswitch setting. Door should close gently with light tension on door cables,or minimal stacking on rollingsteel slats.1) Press SET/CLEAR until the display reads the desired value (1-9).2) Press the OPEN key to open the door a few feet,then release3) Press the CLOSE key to close the door and hold until the operator stops.4) Check the door seal and repeat steps 3-5 until the appropriate seal is obtained between the door and thefloor.5) Press SCROLL DN key until display reads “ODC STB OFF”.Setting Limit OverrunCAUTION: If proper seal cannot be obtained at a setting of 9, Reset the Limit Overrun back to 0 and reset the DownLimit position as described on 6.5. Then adjust the Limit Overrun as instructed above.ATTENTION: Si une adhésion appropriée ne peut être obtenue à un réglage de 9, réinitialiser le dépassement delimite à 0 puis la position de déplacement de la limite inférieure selon les instructions de la page 6.5. Régler ensuite ledépassement de limite tel qu’indiqué ci-dessus!!OPENCLOSESTOPCALRUN SCROLLSCROLLSETCLEARLIMIT OVERRUN #Figure 9