4 - 80 Genie GS-2046 and GS-2646 and GS-3246 Part No. 72972June 2003Section 4 • Repair ProceduresREV A7-1Hydraulic TankThe primary functions of the hydraulic tank are tocool, clean and deaerate the hydraulic fluid duringoperation. It utilizes internal suction strainers forthe pump supply lines and has an external returnline filter.How to Remove theHydraulic TankComponent damage hazard. Thework area and surfaces where thisprocedure will be performed mustbe clean and free of debris thatcould get into the hydraulicsystem.When removing a hose assemblyor fitting, the O-ring on the fittingand/or hose end must be replacedand then torqued to specificationduring installation. Refer toSection Two,Hydraulic Hose andFitting Torque Specifications.Perform this procedure with theplatform in the stowed position.1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine.Electrocution hazard. Contact withelectrically charged circuits couldresult in death or serious injury.Remove all rings, watches andother jewelry.2 Open the power unit module tray.3 Remove the drain plug from the hydraulic tankand allow all of the oil from the tank to drain intoa suitable container. Refer to Section 2,Specifications.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil to squirtor spray.4 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic tankreturn hose at the top of the hydraulic tank.5 Remove the motor controller mounting bracketretaining fasteners and move the motorcontroller to the side.6 Remove the return filter mounting bracketfasteners from the manifold. Push the filter andaccumulator out of the way.7 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic pumpinlet hose at the side of the hydraulic tank.8 Remove the hydraulic tank retaining fastenersand remove the hydraulic tank from themachine.Hydraulic Tank