3 - 2 Genie GS-2046 and GS-2646 and GS-3246 Part No. 72972June 2003Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance ProceduresMaintenance Symbols LegendThe following symbols have beenused in this manual to helpcommunicate the intent of theinstructions. When one or more ofthe symbols appears at thebeginning of a maintenanceprocedure, it conveys the meaningbelow.Indicates that tools will be required toperform this procedure.Indicates that new parts will be requiredto perform this procedure.Indicates that a cold motor or pump willbe required to perform this procedure.Indicates that dealer service will berequired to perform this procedure.Pre-delivery Preparation ReportThe pre-delivery preparation report containschecklists for each type of scheduled inspection.Make copies of thePre-delivery Preparation reportto use for each inspection. Store completed formsas required.Maintenance ScheduleThere are four types of maintenance inspectionsthat must be performed according to a schedule—daily, quarterly, annual, and two year. TheScheduled Maintenance Procedures and theMaintenance Inspection Report have been dividedinto four subsections—A, B, C and D. Use thefollowing chart to determine which group(s) ofprocedures are required to perform a scheduledinspection.Inspection ChecklistDaily or every 8 hours AQuarterly or every 250 hours A + BAnnual or every 1000 hours A + B + CTwo year or every 2000 hours A + B + C + DMaintenance Inspection ReportThe maintenance inspection report containschecklists for each type of scheduled inspection.Make copies of theMaintenance Inspection Reportto use for each inspection. Store completed formsfor three years.SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES