April 2017 Service and Repair ManualBoom ComponentsPart No. 1278145 GTH-1056 21How to R emove the Cable Bridg e Ass embl yHow to Remove the Cable BridgeAssemblyInside the four-section boom, a cable bridge is usedto route hydraulic lines through the boom assemblyto the fork level cylinder and auxiliary connections(if equipped).1 Remove the inspection cover at the pivot endof the boom.2 Working at the pivot end of the boom, removethe fasteners securing the cable bridge rearmount bracket to the boom assembly. Removethe bracket from the boom.1 cable bridge mount bracket2 cable track mount bracket3 cable bridge slider3 Working at the pivot end of the boom, tag,disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses at thehard lines of the cable bridge. Cap the fittings.4 Working at the pivot end of the boom, removethe fasteners securing the hose rollerassembly to boom tube number 1. Remove thehose roller assembly from the boom.5 Working at the fork end of the boom, removethe fasteners securing the cable track mountbracket to boom tube number 3.6 Working at the fork end of the boom, removethe fasteners securing the cable bridge sliderto the cable bridge. Remove the slider from theboom.Note: Pay attention to how the hoses are routedbefore removing the slider from the boom.Note: During reassembly, it may be helpful to usetape to secure the bolts to the cable bridge wheninstalling the cable bridge slider.7 Working at the fork end of the boom, securelyattach the loose end of the cable track to thecable bridge using a cable tie or similar device.8 Working at the pivot end of the boom, carefullyremove the cable bridge from the boom.