Maintenance and Adjustments6ADjUSTMENT GUIDES (continued)Speed Settings (DC motors only)Speed settings are pre-programmed at the factory for the maximumspeed. Speed settings should not need adjustment with this unit.However, travel speed for the opener can be adjusted to a slowerspeed in both the Open and Close directions, to minimize wear onheavier sectional doors.NOTE: One-piece doors are automatically set to the slowest speedduring Limits programming and cannot be adjusted.There are 3-speed settings available for sectional doors. Please notethat speed may be affected by door weight and balance, along withcondition of door components and tracks.Speed AdjustmentOFF Flashes BLUE 3 TimesPROGRAMSETPROGRAMSETPROGRAMSET12345PROGRAMSETLOCKS IN OPENING SETTING.Then the Current Speed settingfor CLOSING travel will display.SEE CHART IN NEXT COLUMN.76Press and hold forabout 10 secondsor until both LEDsturn BLUE.Then release. BLUE BLUEBLUE BLUEAction LED Indication/ResultPress twice.Press andrelease.Press either untilyou reach thedesired setting.Press andrelease.Press either untilyou reach thedesired setting.Press andrelease.OFF Flashes BLUE 3 TimesNOTE: Depending on the criteriamentioned above, you may nothave the option to increase speed.OFFFlashes BLUE3 TimesNOTE: Depending on the criteriamentioned above, you may nothave the option to increase speed.LOCKS IN CLOSING SETTING.FLASH BLUEFLASH BLUESPEED SETTINGS DONEThen the Current Speed settingfor OPENING travel will display.SEE CHART IN NEXT COLUMN.Both LEDs FLASHBLUE to confirm setting.Speed Level Powerhead LEDsROUND LEDLONG LEDHighMediumLowREDREDPURPLE PURPLEBLUE BLUELED indicator colors: OFF Blue Purple RedNOTE: PowerLift® 900, GPower™ 900 openers DO NOT have speedadjustments.LOCATING SAFE-T-BEAM PAIRS:Source (Red LED) and Sensor (Green LED)Single Garage Door• Determine which side of the garage receives direct sunlight.• Position the Source (Red LED) on the direct sunlight sideMultiple Garage Doors• NEVER position Safe-T-Beam modules where signals will cross.• Place the Source (Red LED) Safe-T-Beams on adjacent doors facingin opposite directions.NOTE: Direct sunlight creates interference with Safe-T-Beam Sensor(Green LED). Sensor modules CAN be positioned further away fromdoor opening if necessary to avoid sunlight but no further off the wall tomaintain alignment with paired Source module.RedLEDRedLEDSunSunGreenLEDGreenLEDOne DoorGarageOne DoorGarage Two DoorGarageTwo DoorGarageThree DoorGarageThree DoorGarageRedLEDRedLEDGreenLEDGreenLED RedLEDRedLEDRedLEDRedLEDGreenLEDGreenLED RedLEDRedLEDRedLEDRedLEDGreenLEDGreenLEDGreenLEDGreenLEDGreenLEDGreenLEDRedLEDRedLEDSunSunGreenLEDGreenLEDOne DoorGarageOne DoorGarage19G999-393 Manual-ScrewBeltChain-EN indd 19 7/13/12 10 17 AM